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Allegheny County

Allegheny County’s total civilian labor force in March, 2013 was 650,500 with an unemployment rate of 6.6%. The fastest growing industries by job openings are: Retail Trade; Health Care and Social Assistance, Educational Services, Finance and Insurance, and Professional and Technical Services. The largest industry sectors are Health Care and Social Assistance, 18.6%; Retail Trade, 10.8%; Accommodation and Food Services, 8.2%. Total business establishments in Allegheny County of 33,339.

Butler County

Butler County’s total civilian labor force March 2013 was 100,090 with an unemployment rate of 6.9%. The fastest growing industries by job openings are: Retail Trade, Health Care and Social Assistance, Accommodation and Food Services, Finance and Insurance and Wholesale Trade. Butler’s largest industry sectors are Manufacturing, 15.2%; Health Care and Social Assistance, 14.3%; and Retail Trade, 12.9%. Total business establishments in Butler County of 4,669.

Beaver County

Beaver County’s total civilian labor force in March 2013 was 89,600 with an unemployment rate of 7.3%. The fastest growing industries by job openings are: Retail Trade, Accommodation and Food Services, Finance and Insurance, Health Care and Social Assistance, and Professional and Technical Services. Beaver’s largest industry sectors are Health Care and Social Assistance, 19.2%; Manufacturing, 13.7%; Retail Trade, 13.6%. The total business establishments in Beaver County of 3,404.

Economic Indicators Pittsburgh Allegheny County Butler County Beaver County
Population 2,360,733 1,223,348 183,848 170,414
Job Openings 49,208 34,949 3,268 1,407
Unemployment 7.1% 6.6% 6.9% 7.3%
Wage Statistics $47,164 $51,376 $43,368 $37,908
Labor Force 1,328,400 650,500 100,090 89,600
Bachelor's Degree (or higher) 28.7% 34.5% 29.3% 20.3%
Median Household Income $49,346 $48,805 $57,474 $47,928