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Our Region

The Pittsburgh North Regional Chamber’s economic footprint is identified as Allegheny, Beaver and Butler counties with a combined population of 1,577,610 and encompassing a range of Townships, Cities, Boroughs, Municipalities, and unincorporated municipalities.

Statistically, according to the 2013 Census Bureau:


This will be a headline.

Allegheny County’s total civilian labor force in March, 2013 was 650,500 with an unemployment rate of 6.6%. The fastest growing industries by job openings are: Retail Trade; Health Care and Social Assistance, Educational Services, Finance and Insurance, and Professional and Technical Services. The largest industry sectors are Health Care and Social Assistance, 18.6%; Retail Trade, 10.8%; Accommodation and Food Services, 8.2%. Total business establishments in Allegheny County of 33,339.

Beaver County’s total civilian labor force in March 2013 was 89,600 with an unemployment rate of 7.3%. The fastest growing industries by job openings are: Retail Trade, Accommodation and Food Services, Finance and Insurance, Health Care and Social Assistance, and Professional and Technical Services. Beaver’s largest industry sectors are Health Care and Social Assistance, 19.2%; Manufacturing, 13.7%; Retail Trade, 13.6%. The total business establishments in Beaver County of 3,404.

Butler County’s total civilian labor force March 2013 was 100,090 with an unemployment rate of 6.9%. The fastest growing industries by job openings are: Retail Trade, Health Care and Social Assistance, Accommodation and Food Services, Finance and Insurance and Wholesale Trade. Butler’s largest industry sectors are Manufacturing, 15.2%; Health Care and Social Assistance, 14.3%; and Retail Trade, 12.9%. Total business establishments in Butler County of 4,669.